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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

feeling this song right now

Tweet This

Monday, November 26, 2012

my saves


http://www.4shared.com/rar/2Ge9_-8c/MyUninstaller.html Tweet This

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Friday, November 23, 2012


all time great sa-mp vid 2006
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GTASA Weapons, Skin, Interface +DL









sniper pic2

Skin : http://www.mediafire.com/?pm1jv7p4xwdoarj
Ped.ifp: http://gtasamp.meilleurforum.com/t147985-pedifp-rassemblement-de-nombreux-ped...
Weapons : http://www.mediafire.com/?whcm2lmvedv0e7f
Sounds : http://www.mediafire.com/?r2jgwa926b13jf1 - http://www.mediafire.com/?09bakqaiq04at4w Sound by Fort
Effects : http://gtasamp.meilleurforum.com/t116176-mes-effect-ig
Hud.txd : http://www.mediafire.com/?zcqc4pv5id6yn53 ( viseur by Barjo )
Font.txd : http://www.mediafire.com/?xswacmj8cy5ppvu
Others mods : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y25X8ZVVxbc
Configs interface ( Interface de Al CMLV ) :

- You need to have cleo for instal this :
- Interface : http://www.mediafire.com/?3oanguwwjd012gj
- In your GTA file.
- Remplace Clock.Format=Shad in InterfaceEditor.ini for write his name - Clock.Format=Myname
Tweet This

Thursday, November 15, 2012

sorry about the untilted post

that i didnt even know about that was crazyTweet This

[GTA SA] Black and Blue Chrome Weapons+ Sounds

weapons link - http://adf.ly/Er9jn
sounds - http://adf.ly/ErA33
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[GTA SA] Weapons Collection

credits to

Skin by HarD = http://adf.ly/Er4Lj

Weapons by Fired_uP & L4w = http://adf.ly/Er4uo

Timecyc by MikkiTogher = http://adf.ly/Er4yi

Sounds by L4w & team2009 = http://adf.ly/Er4qa

Hud.txd by team2009 = http://adf.ly/Er54I

Effects by iabuTurki = http://adf.ly/Er5GH

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all my gta mod files

not including my install folder just the downloded files which i am about to re-do my computer, so long gta files
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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

WeaponS By xPoWeRx3D =0

by -

DL - http://adf.ly/EotZU
HUD - http://adf.ly/EotfI
TimeCyc - http://adf.ly/EotohTweet This

Weapons Clan Heroes oF Wars

 by -

Downloads link - http://adf.ly/EoroVTweet This

GTA SA Big Weps Pack Plus Sounds DL

                                            Desert Eagle
                                               Grenade pic1
                                          Grenade pic 2
                                          M4 pic1
                        M4 pic2

weapons by

DL - http://adf.ly/EooIUTweet This

GTA SA Weapons Pk

made by stronger

link - http://adf.ly/EomDn
stronger's website - http://adf.ly/EomIE
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